Sunday 20 March 2016

Doomsday Scenarios by Matt Redhawk and My Patriot Supply

We live in an unstable world. Everyday the world around us highlights man-made and natural disasters that destroy lives and property. Whether the increased number of disasters has put greater pressure on the world resources is debateable.

Matt Redhawk of My Patriot Supply, believes that what is not debatable is that everyday millions of lives are affected by global warming, rising temperatures, drought and disasters. It has always been in vogue to look at survival preppers and doomsday analysts as those who are ‘nuts’.

We live in a world that encourages the here and now. We want to believe that we might as well live forever in bliss. Even then reality points in a different direction.

Once in a while, a major disaster like the Bhopal plant in India, Fukushima in Japan, 9/11 in New York and the Iceland volcano reminds us that preparing for disasters in not a fear-mongering exercise that seeks to rob life of its joy.

As a team, My Patriot Supply has always worked towards offering our clients all the necessary items, knowledge, facilities and tools needed to survive a doomsday scenario. We are stacked with long lasting dry foods, versatile toolkits, durable storages, and modern day survival guides including heirloom seeds that will function in a lot of different environments.

Most ancient teachings have always painted the picture of a major looming period of widespread, unrest, strife, devastation and inadequacy.

Planning for such an eventuality is not capitulating to fear. At My Patriot Supply we encourage it as a futuristic decision that might one day mean the difference between making it through or perishing needlessly.

To learn more,visit:-

Sunday 13 March 2016

Common Survival Mistakes by Matt Redhawk And My Patriot Supply

When you start out making preparations for survival or to plan for emergencies, there are things that are outright obvious. Even so, Matt Redhawk of My Patriot Supply has outlined a few simple mistakes that can prove costly if you don’t anticipate them.

For those who aren’t used to emergencies, these are the main blunders to watch out for which could prove fatal if not heeded.  
Inventory Keeping. It is easy to underestimate how much food, water, lighting and tools you will need when you are suddenly trapped in an area isolated by a disaster. It pays to know what you have, what you don’t have and how long what you have will be able to sustain you.

Prioritizing Emergencies. There are many things that could go wrong while living in this unstable world of ours. Even then you ought to prioritize for the kind of emergencies that are likely to hit your place. From earthquakes in the Far East, typhoons in Southeast Asia, drive-by shootings in the West and civil unrest in sub-Sahara, it is vital to learn the tricks and techniques of handling the disasters that are likely to hit your area.

Planning For Evacuation. Should disaster strike which is the softest route out of where you are? What will you need and how long will it take you to get to a safe zone?  Simulating what you might have to do in case disaster strikes will give you a clearer picture of the dynamics that go into you accessing safety as fast as possible.

Learning Survival skills. Stories of those who lost their lives or fortunes simply because they didn’t know the first thing about emergencies are many. It should be top on your list to try to learn and practice basic survival skills.

At My Patriot Supply, we have always reiterated that when disaster strikes, skills are far much more important than supplies at any time.

Monday 7 March 2016

Matt Redhawk My Patriot Supply’s Survival Kit

There are a number of critical items you need to have just in case you ended up stranded out there. Matt Redhawk from My Patriot Supply, believes having these items could be the difference between surviving and struggling before extra supplies or rescue arrives.

I. Glow stick. A good glow stick should be able to keeping working effectively for over seven hours. You can even shop for one that glows for up to ten hours without the need for extra lighting. This one comes in handy when you are stuck in isolated places.  
II. Fuel Tablet. A packet of smokeless, odorless, flammable, non-toxic fuel tablets is a must. The need to keep warm for an unknown period of time will enable you survive chilly night and icy terrains in case you find yourself stuck in a cold, isolated place.  
III. Flashlight. A multi-functional hand crank with a USB radio and emergency flashlight enables you to communicate and illuminate your surroundings comfortably.
IV. Versatile Candles. A 100-hour smokeless, odorless, brightly flammable candle will keep your tent lit for 3 straight days for less than US$10.                  
V. Survival Guide. A kit with all the proper information, including survival booklet is a must. Let’s face it, with all the teaching on survival, when you find yourself out in the open it is easy to forget most of what you learned. Keeping a booklet with give you quick, easy tips of where to start.

VI. Water Storage. Collapsible 5-gallon water containers are readily available in survival store outlets throughout the country. You will need to rehydrate continually for a long period of time without the possibility of resupply.

The best part is that Matt Redhawk and My Patriot Supply, can supply you with all these and much more from our online store at competitive rates.

To learn more,visit:-