Thursday 11 February 2016

Improvisation tips for Survival by Matt Redhawk, My Patriot Supply

Improvisation is an essential survival technique in our day-to-day lives. Though the term is used in various platforms including music and comedy, it means thinking on your feet. Living in a world where disaster strikes at any time, we can easily be caught off-guard. Matt Redhawk, My Patriot Supply owner, discusses how we can turn pretty ‘useless' household items into lifesavers through improvisation. While the technique is of utmost importance outdoors, plenty of household items can surprisingly be used in various emergency situations. Here is a list of household items he recommends for survival:

Dental floss

Though an integral part of our daily oral hygiene, dental floss can also be used in various emergency situations. Its strength makes it ideal for stitching wounds and ripped clothing. Additionally, dental floss is perfect for shelter rigging during camping. Since it is sturdy enough, it can hold tarps and canvases in place. If there is no tarp, then dental floss can help bundle materials and wood frames to forge a do-it-yourself tent.

Duct tape
Duct tape has myriads of uses ranging from medical to outdoor applications. For example, if you ripped your tent while pitching, a duct tape perfectly seals the openings. What's more, it is an invaluable first aid item ideal for making bandages and slings for a broken or sprained limb. While it might hurt pulling the hairs, it helps to stop the bleeding.

While it may sound gross, in a survival situation, you are compelled to use everything at your disposal. Tin cans, for example, are perfect for cooking, while tabs from soda cans be improvised into fishing hooks. Leftover bacon fat can be used as candle fuel.

Matt Redhawk of My Patriot Supply has listed only a few improvisation items, but there are plenty of other household items around your home that you can use for survival.